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Hard Win: Action Adventure Pulp Thriller Book #3 (Michelle Angelique Avenging Angel Series)
Hard Win: Action Adventure Pulp Thriller Book #3 (Michelle Angelique Avenging Angel Series) Read online
Action Adventure Pulp Thriller Book #3
Michelle Angelique Avenging Angel Series
(Adult Content & Strong Language)
Jason Stanley
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Although Hard Win is a standalone novel, many readers suggest starting with book one, Hard Revenge, as it establishes Michelle Angelique and her two lifelong besties, “row dogs,” Nikky and Deja.
A college dropout and self-made woman, Michelle faces great odds in a male dominated world without the resources or training of the FBI, CIA, military, or even the local police. She’s an “everywoman,” the girl next door that said, “Oh, hell no! That’s not happening!”
Though you won’t go into the bedroom with her, at least not for the actual deed, Michelle is sexually quite active. She enjoys good sex and relishes the occasional excellent one-night stand — but won’t tolerate a bad lover.
While Michelle becomes a successful business woman, her roots are from the hood and her language reflects it. When she’s pissed, polite language flies out the window.
Loyal to a fault, Michelle never gives up on her friends or anyone who she takes responsibility for. She is the friend we want, and in crunch time, the one we truly need.
One more thing. If forced to choose between the law and doing the right thing, right always wins.
So, if you enjoy spending time with a hard-hitting real woman who sometimes wears her emotions on her sleeve and always tells it like it is, then you’re gonna love Michelle.
Finally, you may ask, who is Michelle modeled after? That’s easy; my wife, Pjae, my mother, Lori, one very tough college professor, Mildred, and a hugely capable boss, Nguyen Ngo - powerful women all!
One: Good Morning
“Holy Shit!” Michelle bolted upright. Heart thumping, eyes wild, she whipped her head around . . .
Daryl stood back from the bed, laughing. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
She sat in her own bed, safe and sound. Michelle cut her eyes over to Daryl, lay back down into the soft pillows, yawned, and stretched. Blinking a few times, she rolled over onto her stomach, rubbed the smooth, naked skin on her ass where he slapped her, and smiled. “Good morning.”
Daryl, her GFB, good fucking buddy, had won. They had a playful, private morning game, where whoever was out of bed for at least a full minute could swat the other on the ass. Daryl almost always lost. Today he won.
“I can’t believe I was so sound asleep,” Michelle said. “I didn’t even feel you get up.”
“Yeah, you were doing a real Sleeping Beauty this morning. Well, you nailed the sleeping part, but with your hair sticking out wild on the side of your head, I’m not so sure about the beauty.”
Michelle gave him a go-to-hell look and flipped him off. “I’m sorry? You had best immediately make some serious amends if you think you might ever want to come back into this bed.”
They weren’t a serious couple, not even a couple really, but their sex was seriously delightful.
Naked, Daryl picked up a pillow and hid his face, peeked around the edge and grinned. “Oh, no, you completely misunderstand. What I meant was, with your natural beauty and deep sensuous style, you can wear your hair any way and it’ll be a trend-setting fashion statement.”
“You’re so full of shit,” she said.
“I try.”
“Well, now you have me up, what’re you going to do with me?”
“Since you put it that way, a little morning delight sounds pretty good.” Daryl pulled the sheet back, cocked an eyebrow, tilted his head, and with the touch of an impish smile on his lips, studied her finely sculptured body.
More athletic than voluptuous with beautifully chiseled legs, an amazing round ass and small, pert breasts, the view had immediate and obvious impact.
“You know, the trend you set just may be the death of me,” he said.
“What a way to go,” she replied.
After an appreciative second inspection, he threw the covers on the floor.
* * *
A couple of hours later and several neighborhoods away, Michelle and Deja sat at the wrong table in Blanche’s, waiting to be served in the busy café. Two men sat at their favorite table and talked over coffee after finishing their breakfasts.
An older waitress, with her hands full of breakfast platters, walked by their table and caught Michelle’s eye. “Be with you in a minute.”
The clatter of dishes shoved into a bus tray, hubbub of conversations, and two waitresses hustling between prep and serving was perhaps a bit more than normal for this hour, but not unusual at the Anglewatts landmark cafe. Sometimes there was a line waiting to be seated; at this hour there wasn’t.
The familiar smell of sautéed onions and bell peppers mixed in hash brown potatoes never failed to bring back childhood memories of the many times Michelle’s dad brought her and her brother in for special occasions. Most often, the special occasion was the three of them giving her mother some time off from the family chores. Her dad had been one of the good guys.
“They’re leaving,” Michelle said, “Let’s grab our table before someone else takes it.”
The friends stacked and bused the dishes on the vacated table. For them, it was the best spot in the modest café. Not because the table was better than any of the other mismatched tables and chairs that filled the place. They preferred it because it sat in front of the large picture window looking out onto the street.
“Here, let me help you with that.” The waitress took the last of the dishes. “You girls want some coffee?”
“Yeah, bring three cups.” Michelle said.
“Is Nikky joining you?” the waitress asked.
“Um huh,” Deja said, “she’s parking her car. She’ll be right in.”
Nikky came in carrying her soft sided leather briefcase. “Good going, coffee and the captain’s table. You guys are all snaps this morning.”
Nikky looked at Michelle. “You’re already all smiling and shit and I’m barely awake. What’s got you so happy this early in the morning?”
“Christ girl,” Deja chimed in, “I’m with Nikky, tone down your smile. I can’t hardly see yet. You’re cheesing like you’re the cat that ate the canary or some stupid bird.”
“Don’t be a hater because you’re not getting any.” Michelle said. “You’d be all grins too if you’d been that canary this morning”
“Who said I wasn’t getting any?” Deja asked. “I get as much as I want, any time I want.”
“Then why are you being Miss Grumpy?” Michelle teased.
“What about Nikky?” Deja asked. “She’s sitting right here too.”
“Hey,” Nikky said, “my name’s Bess, keep me outta your mess. Besides, I left Omar sound asleep in my bed to come meet with you.”
“That’s not fair! Am I the only one slept alone last night?
” Deja turned to Michelle. “Did Daryl spend the night?”
Michelle made an ‘O’ with her mouth and raised her eyebrows over wide open eyes.
“Shit,” Deja said. “Seems the whole world got their swerve on last night —everyone but me. It’s just not right.”
“I know you have plenty of men after you,” Michelle said. “But still, something’s not working if you’re this grumpy in the morning. How about I tell you the big secret to finding a super lover who’ll take you to the moon?”
Deja looked at Nikky with eyelids at half mast, “I know I’ll regret this.” She turned to Michelle. “Oh wise one, do tell us your secret.”
“All you need to do is pick a likely candidate, look him in the eye.” Michelle did a quick drum roll with her fingers on the table. “Then saaayyy . . . yes. They’re men — they’re all dogs. At least when it comes to sex, every last one is nothing but a horny dog. I’m serious. All a beautiful woman like you has to do is say yes.”
“That’s it? That’s your big secret to great sex?”
“Half of it. I’ll give you the other half without you even asking. The rest is saaayyyiiing,” Michelle looked at Nikky. “Drum roll please.”
“You’re such a drama queen.” Nikky did a five beat drum roll.
“Here it is. Say no. You have to learn to kick any trifling, selfish lover out of your bed as soon as he shows his true self. Catch and release, Deja, catch and release. Throw the bad ones back immediately.”
Michelle nodded to Nikky. “Do you agree?”
“Remember, my name is Bess. I’m still out of your mess. But yeah, I agree.”
“Okay, Deja, look. I’m not saying it’ll always work,” Michelle said. “Hell, I’ve had my share of losers. But I dump him the moment I know he’s a toad. I don’t mess around. If a jerk wants me to give him a blow job, or just fuck me quick and then says some shit about how he’ll do better next time, fuck that! I kick his sorry ass out of my bed and out of my crib right then.”
“Serious? You kick him out in the middle of the night?” Deja asked.
“Hell yes! If he doesn’t take care of me then what’s the reason for putting up with him. We’ve all done it. Lay there in your own bed, awake, pissed, and frustrated while his lump ass is snoring away. What kind of night is that? Oh hell no, he’s got to go.”
Nikky joined in, “Yeah, I agree. If a guy only wants to get his rocks off, he can pay one of our girls.”
The waitress walked up. “What can I bring you for your celebration this morning?”
“Side order of hash browns with gravy for me,” Nikky said.
“Grits and whole wheat toast,” Deja said.
“Just the coffee, I already ate breakfast,” Michelle said.
“Not fair! You got laid and had breakfast already?” Nikky asked.
Michelle repeated the same ‘O’ face she gave them earlier.
A Mercedes SLK pulled up to the curb outside the window. An attractive woman in an expensive looking evening dress, matching bag and heels pulled herself up out of the low-setting car before it drove off.
The woman walked into the café and approached the friends’ table and nodded to Michelle. “Sup Michelle.” Then she looked at Nikky. “Hey. Here ya’ go.” She handed Nikky an envelope.
“Hey, Little-T, how’d it go? Everything okay?” Nikky asked.
“Yeah, the whole night worked out pretty good.”
“You look great in that dress. The color sets off your skin really well,” Deja said.
“Thanks Deja.”
“Wasn’t that the third time with this guy?” Nikky asked.
“Yeah, I think he might become a regular,” Little-T said.
“Good. Regulars pay the bills,” Nikky said.
“God, I’d be good with the regular money. That ass Jimmy always kept me broke. Worry about making the rent had me more worn out than working all night. My life is so much better since you guys took over the streets. If I wasn’t so damned tired I’d kiss all three of you. But my guy is one horny dude. We stayed up all night and my ass is dragging. My mom’s gonna pick me up in a few minutes on the way to take Briana to school.”
“Briana’s in school now?” Deja asked.
“She’s seven and in second grade,” Little-T said. “She is so grown up it scares me. Seems like only last week all of us were still in high school.”
“I can’t believe she is already seven,” Deja said.
“Oh, you can believe it. If you have any doubts she’ll tell you how big she is!” Little-T laughed and shook her head. “I’m going outside and wait for them. See you tonight.”
Little-T was a year behind Michelle in school; they knew each other from early childhood. Through the years, if not close friends, they had always been friendly. They were truly sisters in the hood. Now, Michelle, Nikky and Deja were her employers, so were responsible for her general well-being. As her protector, Michelle felt the most responsibility for Little-T’s safety.
Michelle, Nikky and Deja, lifelong friends, were as different in their looks as they were in their history and personality. Deja, tall, voluptuous, loudly proud to be ghetto fabulous, ready smile and a bit ditzy, was the complete counterpart to Nikky.
With curly hair and creamy skin, the older folks called Nikky creole. At barely five feet tall, Nikky had a compact, but full woman’s figure, on a petite frame. Quiet with always alert eyes, she could be an enigma.
From the time of her late childhood, Nikky had dreamed of getting even with her father. His being long dead from a drunken knife fight didn’t change anything. She still hated him for his abusive behavior that marked her childhood. Opposite from Nikky, Deja came from an intact family and knew and loved her father. She spent time with her family as often as she could.
Michelle had been orphaned at sixteen when her parents were killed in an automobile wreck. Her older brother, Michael, stepped in and took care of her. He became her protector and support. Two years later, when he was murdered, her life irrevocably changed. She became absorbed on avenging his death.
With her mission of revenge accomplished, and following unexpected, even surprising paths, she focused on how to shoulder the new responsibility each challenge brought with it. She had become mature far beyond her short twenty-four years.
The differences between the three friends were nothing compared to the one single thing that would never change. They were row dogs. No matter what happened they would always side with their friends and have each other’s backs.
Michelle listened to Deja and Nikky talk. She was proud of how well they had taken to their roles in their rather unique organization. Speaking to Nikky she said, “Look at you, all business-like, doing the books and tracking who pays what. Keep that up and you’ll be paying taxes like a legitimate business woman.”
“Yeah, my mom’s been calling me her baby-business-baby. When does that stuff ever stop?” Nikky asked.
“Well, you are her baby,” Michelle said. “Also, you have to admit, we are pretty young handling all this shit. Sure, you grow up fast in the hood. But not like this. Look, you’re taking care of the money and management, Deja’s handling beauty, health, and childcare. Who else do you know our age that comes even close to this?”
“You’re right, but it wouldn’t have happened if you were still gone,” Deja said. “And, you know I’m doing all those things, but honestly, half the time I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just making shit up as I go. But, still, here we are and here I am, so we must be doing something right.”
“Yeah, me too,” Nikky said. “Six months ago I was scared I would fuck up everything. But now I’m becoming a little more relaxed about doing the job.”
“I never thought any of this would happen,” Michelle said. “When I came back, I had one single thing in mind. Get even. That was the only thing I thought about, and worked on, for three years. Now this? I gotta tell you, running any business was not in the plan. Running street girls never ever entered my mind. Th
is business was the last thing I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we made the move. I certainly didn’t expect it. I’m as surprised as anyone it’s working so well.”
A faded maroon Dodge Caravan pulled up to the curb in front of Blanche’s. In silence the three friends watched the woman they had known since primary school help her mom slowly climb down from the driver’s seat and settle into the back of the minivan. From the back she said something to the young girl sitting ramrod straight in the front passenger seat. The girl, all smiles, turned and waved to the friends.
“If anybody deserves a break with a rich sugar daddy it’s Little-T,” Deja said.
Michelle sipped her coffee, nodded and said, “I hope it works out for her.”
“Me too,” Nikky said.
Michelle watched as Blanche took a drag off of her cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray she kept covered with a pot holder. She put the ashtray on the shelf under the counter.
Looking up, Blanche said, “It’s kinda rare to see all three of you together so early in the morning. Something big happening?”
Despite the mismatched furnishings and a serious need for fresh paint, Blanche’s was ideal; it had the perfect location. At least it was perfect for the young entrepreneurs.
Using the money she earned as an assassin over the past two years, Michelle bankrolled the conversion of an old rambling house into a childcare center. They provided childcare for the city’s hookers. The center sat directly across the street from Blanche’s.
It was her money that paid for setting up their entire sex business to include the massage parlor and call centers. Only recently had they started to make more money than the business cost.
“No, nothing special, not really,” Deja answered Blanche’s question. “It’s our six-month anniversary since we officially started our business. We thought we’d celebrate by having breakfast here with you.”
“Congratulations on six months. I think you girls are good for the neighborhood.” With that, Blanche turned around to the griddle where she did her magic with hash browns and sausage gravy. Hers were the acknowledged best hash brown potatoes in the hood.