Hard Win: Action Adventure Pulp Thriller Book #3 (Michelle Angelique Avenging Angel Series) Page 14
“Why there?” Nikky asked.
“That place is full of all kinds of wi-fi and who knows what. Every keyboard and mouse is wireless. No, even if they looked, which they won’t, it’d be almost impossible to find it.”
“How long will it take to set up the receiver so we can hear them?”
“A few minutes. I’ll do it soon as I eat something. I want to start listening right away.”
“Sounds good, I’ll take the first shift while you sleep. You must be real tired after this day,” Nikky said.
“Yeah, beat and even a little stiff, but not sleepy. Not yet anyway. You go ahead take a shower, I can get it for that long. But let’s eat first. I’m starvin’ like Marvin!”
Working her way through two microwaved frozen Lean Cuisine Chicken Pizzas, Nikky asked, “How can we watch their movements or, well, do anything else when we need to be here listening to them all day?”
“See that’s what I’m talking about. When you go one way, people don’t expect you to go the other. Low-tech rules in a high-tech environment, so I didn’t use wireless microphones because they give off a signal. But here at the apartment, it’s back to normal. We put a burner phone by the speaker and call your phone. You keep an ear bud in your ear, and you’ll be free at last. Nothing to it. Now go take that shower.”
Twenty-Three: He’s Gone
“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Listen to this,” Nikky yanked the earphone jack out and stabbed the speaker button.
Michelle stopped her deep knee lunges and stood panting, listening. “Turn it up.”
“. . . three weeks,” a man’s voice said.
“When do we leave?” a different male voice asked.
“We don’t. I’m staying. You and Freddy are going.”
“Damn, fucking Freddy. He always stinks up the room with his nasty farts,” the second voice said.
“Better you than me.”
“Well shit, nothing to be done about it. When do we leave?”
“Tomorrow night. You know the boss likes to sleep when he flies to Europe.”
Without saying a word, Michelle and Nikky listened to the rest of the conversation but didn’t learn anything more.
“Tell me what you heard before you put it on speaker,” Michelle said.
“The guy with the news must have come in the room. The other guy had been talking off and on about nothing much. Then this guy comes in and says Ascia is going to Europe and the first guy has to go with him. The first guy was asking how long they would be when you started listening. Did you hear the part about three weeks?”
“Yeah, I heard that, Michelle said. “Ascia is leaving for Europe tomorrow night and he’ll be gone three weeks. Shit!”
“Do you want to go after him?” Nikky asked.
“We don’t know enough about what this is all about. No, we wait,” Michelle said.
“Just like that? We wait? Damn girl. I don’t know how you do it. I’m all keyed up and antsy while you sit there cool like you’re on top of the world. I mean, how are you not going through the roof?”
“I know. Trust me, from being almost there to being forced into idleness is every bit as disappointing to me as it is to you. Sure, I’m upset, I just won’t let myself get wound up is all.”
“Why not?” Nikky asked.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yeah. Why not be emotional about it?”
Michelle walked away from the receiver over to the couch and got comfortable putting her feet up on a throw pillow on the coffee table.
“Okay, first, I’m still the girl you grew up with, I love being emotional and excited as much as I ever did. I love the feelings I have being with you and Deja. So, it’s not about not having emotions. It’s about not making decisions on emotions. Emotions aren’t smart or stupid, but they sure are blind. They don’t see if it’s good or bad – only how it feels.”
“Sure, and sometimes I like how it feels,” Nikky said.
“Of course, we all do. Growing up, we all got caught up in the drama. Back then, the most that would happen was someone got bitch slapped or their ass kicked. But, when your life is on the line, you can’t take the chance if a feel-good decision was smart or stupid. If it was stupid, then, in this business, you’re already dead before you have time to realize how stupid it was.”
“Okay. That makes a lot of sense. But how in the world do you stop from being emotional?” Nikky got up and went into the kitchen. “Do you want anything?”
“Root beer.”
Nikky handed Michelle the soda and sat on the other end of the couch. “How do you do it? Stop being emotional?”
“When something happens causing you to react, you focus your thoughts on something else for ninety seconds. It works best if you practice on something you like that makes you feel good. Anyway, focus on that for a minute and a half, and the dangerous emotion is completely gone. It’s like it dissolves and goes away.”
“Is that why, when we were kids, they used to tell us to count to ten before saying anything bad?”
“Exactly,” Michelle said. “Except, it’s a whole lot better to count to ten times ten, and better still if you think hard about something else. Memories seem to work best.”
“What do you think about?” Nikky asked.
“When I’m pissed off and need to calm down, I think about my mom brushing my hair and singing. I focus on listening to her voice and feel the brush going through my hair. If I need to be real focused, but still sharp, I think about sitting in my dad’s lap. He would read to me then ask questions about what he said.”
“And that works for you?”
“Every time. Well, every time now that I practiced it until it became habit. It doesn’t take away the disappointment, or change something from wrong to right. It does take the edge off that immediate urge to act.”
“That’s it? Just find something I like and think about it?”
“Yes. That’s the basis. If you’re serious about learning how to be calm in a crisis, you practice ahead of time. Like right now, we are pretty calm.”
“Compared to a few minutes ago you’re damn Skippy. I was pretty hot.”
“When things are pretty calm, and nothing is really bothering you, it is a good time to practice,” Michelle said. “You just sit still like you are right now and close your eyes and think about the memory. Get a good picture of it, sound, smell, touch, all of it and pay attention to how good it makes you feel.”
“Do I have to sit any special way, or do anything special?”
“Nope, I find it best that I can close my eyes but that’s the only thing I do special.”
“How long do I do this thing?”
“Not long, twenty or thirty seconds. Long enough that you get a good picture of everything in your mind and can feel yourself relax. Don’t worry about knowing what that feels like. It’s just a normal relaxed feeling, like when you’re in a nice bubble bath. The real trick is to practice every day.”
“Why every day?”
“It trains your mind and emotions to go to that relaxed place easily and quickly. When something big happens, your mind already has the habit of finding your good spot. Works like a charm. Trust me.”
“Try it.” Michelle pointed to the receiver. “Apparently we have plenty of time.”
Nikky closed her eyes for a few seconds, then opened them. “I feel silly.”
“Most people do when they first start. Do it when you’re alone.”
“Okay. What do we do now?” Nikky asked.
“Now we wait. I know waiting is difficult. I learned that the hard way. After all, I waited and planed for three years to get Lewis and Jackson. A few weeks at this stage can be crazy-making time, or extra time to make sure we do the job correctly with no loose ends.”
“Ascia leaves for Europe in a day. He’ll be gone for three weeks. What do we do next?”
“I don’t know about you. I’m going out to find some meaningless and highly satisfactory sex,” Michel
le said with a twinkle and grin.
“What about Ascia?”
“What about him? We keep listening in case there is a change of plans. But it looks like we have some down time. It’s been over a week since I had me some good sex. I’m heading to the gym and pick up the hottest guy there. I plan on letting him prove Texas is as big as they say.”
“I love the way you put things into perspective. It’s been a while for me too. How does that work, meeting guys at the gym?”
“For sex, it’s better than bars. If a guy’s been drinking too much, he’ll fall asleep after the first time. Even the first time will often be disappointing. Gyms are almost always better. Plus if you don’t meet anybody you’ll still have a good workout. You want to go with me?”
“You bet I do. I can’t think of a better way to work off this frustration.”
Twenty-Four: Who’s Hot? What’s Not?
MICHELLE AND NIKKY had a successful evening at the gym and even more successful night at their individual and private exercise programs. The next day, after Ascia left for Europe, Michelle and Nikky locked up the small apartment and flew back to Anglewatts.
It felt good to come home. Pink, Michelle’s tomcat, sat on the porch and watched with feigned indifference as she unpacked the car and let herself into his cottage. The fresh food and clean water said Scott had been by earlier. Pink unsuccessfully practiced being aloof on and off throughout the evening but spent the whole night on her bed.
A little surprised to find Pink still on her bed when she woke up, she pulled him up and gave him a good scratch all over his head and face for his sake and belly rub because she liked the feel of his furry stomach. “I missed you too, big guy. Thanks for spending the night with me.”
Michelle spent the morning leisurely going through mundane and comforting tasks. She stripped, cleaned, and oiled her guns, then changed the sheets on her bed, even though, like her guns, they didn’t need it. Mostly Pink stayed close, but ignored her activities. He did help her sweep the floor by chasing the broom.
Close to noon, he also helped her change into her running clothes by playing with her shoelaces. “Okay fella, I’m off for a run and lunch at Scott’s.”
Forty-five minutes and a few miles later, she wiped the sweat off her face and went into Scott’s Diner. It smelled just right, like coming home to a familiar kitchen. The place was packed with the late lunch crowd. From a lot of past experience, she knew it would completely empty out in another thirty minutes.
“Hey, Michelle, long time no see. I was wondering if you’d be in today,” Scott came around the counter and gave Michelle a hug. “Will you be around for a while?”
“In and out for a while. You know the life of the entrepreneurial madam. Always on the go. And speaking of on the go, thanks for taking care of Pink. I think he grew while I was gone.” Michelle said.
At the mention of being a madam, a man sitting at the end of the counter looked up with brows raised in question. Michelle smiled and winked.
“You’re welcome. It is a shared custody as I recall. And about being a world traveler, I wouldn’t know, since I’m more the quiet, shy stay-at-home type guy. Are you alone?”
“Nikky and Deja will join me for lunch. I’d like an A&W while I wait for an open table.”
“Coming right up.”
Michelle found a spot at the crowded counter to wait for a table. It didn’t take long before a group of young women left the last table in the back by the wall. In normal times, Michelle preferred the tables by the front window, but for now being in the back was safer, and therefore a lot more comfortable.
From her seat in the back of the small diner, Michelle saw Deja and Nikky come in the café together. As always, Deja came through first, while chatting a mile a minute. She turned around to talk to Nikky and almost ran into a couple headed out. They got a big smile and she continued without missing a beat. Nikky, true to her fashion, quietly checked out each of the few people still in the room as she came in. Michelle could see the tiny-tell-tail signs in her expressions as she catalogued everyone she saw.
“Hey guys!” Scott yelled from behind the counter and pointed to Michelle in the back.
“Hey Scott!” They said in unison and headed to Michelle’s table.
“Oh Sweet Jesus, it’s sooo good to see you.” Deja hugged Michelle and settled in. “Tell me everything.”
When it came to things like the long hours worming her way through air ducts, or days spent making a twenty minute tail, the telling went a lot faster than the doing. Michelle explained what they had learned about Ascia, Jack-Move and Fast Eddie. She also explained how they were still getting information from the hidden microphones in the ventilation system.
In turn, Deja brought them up to speed on events in the organization. She told them about the run-in with Latoya. “I’m pretty sure it’s not over. She’ll cause more trouble later.”
“Do you want me to do anything about her while I’m here?” Michelle asked.
“No. I don’t know when or what it will be. So far she hasn’t done anything enough to be worried about. I’d like to give her a chance to do right. What do you think, Nikky?” Deja asked.
“I think she’ll eventually be more trouble than she’s worth. You’re the one dealing with her. It’s your call. I’ll support whatever you decide,” Nikky replied.
“This is where things in Texas stand now,” Michelle said. “Ascia is in Europe. Fast Eddie has thirty Russian women. Jack-Move is in Houston and not doing much.”
“So now what?” Deja asked.
“We agree we can’t let Fast Eddie hold those women, right?” Michelle asked.
“Right.” Both Deja and Nikky replied.
Michelle looked around; they were the only customers left. “If we take out Jack-Move, it will tip our hand and put Fast Eddie on high alert. That means we leave him alone for now.”
“I don’t like it, but yeah, that’s the smart move,” Deja said.
“We also agree the only way to permanently liberate the women is to kill Fast Eddie and physically move them out of Texas.” Michelle said.
Again both Deja and Nikky agreed.
“I’ve been thinking about it,” Deja said. “From what Jelena told us, we know almost all of them will need to stay in the states and on the job. Given our organization, we can’t take more than five at the most. It’s already going to be a stretch to put the eleven new girls to work.”
“Yeah, I agree,” Nikky said. “I don’t see how we can do much more than put them on the streets now. They look good enough to be call girls, but their English sucks.”
“I know some people in Atlanta who might be able to help. I’m sure they would be really happy for a present of thirty attractive, professional women,” Michelle said. “The top guy is real old school. He won’t let anyone in his organization deal drugs to kids. And, he won’t let underage girls work in his stables.”
“If there is a place for all of them, I vote to send the whole group,” Nikky said.
“As long as they’ll be taken care of it’s the best we can do.” Deja said.
“Assuming we have a good home waiting for the women, what’s next?” Nikky asked. Then she laughed. “It sounds like we’re talking about a good home for some puppies, not grown women.”
“Hookers need a good home just as much as puppies do,” Deja said.
“Yeah, they do. And these women are in a real bad spot. I think the next move should be to take out Fast Eddie,” Michelle said. “I also think we should do it in the next week. They won’t be looking for us with Ascia gone. Especially if nothing happens for the first few days.”
“If we do this, what’s my role?” Deja asked.
“For different reasons than before, I still think you should stay here and run things,” Michelle replied. “Earlier it was to keep up appearances. If we take out Fast Eddie, Ascia will know who did it, so that won’t be an issue any more. But still, we need someone here to keep things running right.
And you know, given skill sets, you’re the best one for that job.”
“I agree,” Nikky said. “Look how good you’ve been doing this past week. How you handled Latoya and her girls. You’re growing into a good manager and businesswoman. Besides, you said it yourself, you aren’t worth anything with guns.”
“We’ll need some help with the Russian women. Who can help us?” Deja asked.
“Good question.” Michelle turned to Nikky. “Any ideas?”
“First, I bet there are a couple women in the group who are already established as leaders, much like Jelena is with our group here. Also, I think Jelena can come and point out who is likely to be a problem and who will help. Far as that goes, we might ask her to stay with them until they reach Atlanta, or wherever it is we send them.”
“Good thinking,” Michelle said. “Deja, give her a call. Tell her we want to talk to her.”
“They have Nikky’s old Honda. Where do you want her to meet us?” Deja asked.
“Their place,” Michelle said. “I want to see this house we rented.”
Twenty-Five: Inside Help
MICHELLE OPENED HER FRONT DOOR and opened her arms for a welcome hug. “Hey Miss Betty, thanks for coming.”
Miss Betty had been close friends with Michelle’s mother while Michelle grew up. Michelle only recently learned that during all those years Miss Betty’s husband, Big John, had been the top drug man in the neighborhood. Big John, and Michael, Michelle’s brother, were murdered by the same people. Out of the life, but still plugged into the neighborhood, Miss Betty was a solid source of wisdom and advice.
“What a lovely cottage. Hi everyone.” Miss Betty hugged Deja and Nikky.
Miss Betty dropped her purse on the floor by the end of the couch and sat down. Deja had the recliner; Nikky took the other end of the couch. Michelle rolled her swivel office chair in for herself.